
Showing posts with label Yoga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yoga. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

double workouts and recipes!!

Okay, don't get too excited because I'm only linking to recipes that I've tried. I can't even fathom how to come up with my own!! I can barely hard boil an egg... okay I usually google it because I forget how. :)

Moving on, I started this morning with Yoga X, the dreaded 92 minute, very athletic, yoga workout from P90X. Apparently the universe wanted to screw with me because my son woke up an HOUR early today. Yep, the last hour of my yoga. He did okay for about 10 minutes before getting bored. Then he had to go to the bathroom. Then he demanded I turn on his bedroom light, which woke up his sister. (If you've stumbled on here without knowing my background, I have boy/girl twins who are 3.5 years old and share a room.) So, when my daughter woke up it got really interesting. She considers any small space a challenge. If we sit down with our knees bent, that's a tunnel she must crawl through. So, every yoga pose that created a "tunnel" she had to crawl through. Occasionally she would hang out in said tunnel. At the end you are supposed to sit in lotus pose, which prompted my son to sit in my lap, so I sort of missed the point on that one.

Next week I'll have to wake up earlier. And maybe not be so noisy? I have no clue why that child woke up!! It's not like he EVER goes to bed early.

Since these first few weeks aren't too heavy on the cardio, and since I've set a goal of averaging 12,000 steps per week, I decided to hit the treadmill at the Y for my second workout. Now, I am not a runner. I tried to be once, but my knees couldn't take it. So, I'm taking it VERY slow. I'm only running once a week, and it's more of a run/walk. This month I'm doing a 3 min walk/3 min run for 30 minutes, then 5 minutes of walking. Except today I walked 10 more minutes because I have barely any steps!! So, there's workout number 2!

Now to be honest, working out is sort of the easy part for me. I worked out all last year, usually waking up between 4:30 and 5 to do it. The hard part? Eating right. I tend to eat healthier foods, just way too much and way too often. I started the year with the goal to avoid sugar and eat protein at every meal. No weight loss. So, yesterday I started tracking my meals. I've been using my bodybugg since January 1st to track the calories I've burned and steps I've taken, but to get the full effect, you have to suck it up and track what you eat. I need to see that I've burned more calories than I ate. Do NOT trust what machines or magazine articles estimate you've burned. ESPECIALLY if you're short. I burn way less than I thought.

I'm also trying healthier recipes so my whole family eats better. It's pretty easy to google "healthy chicken recipe" or "healthy meatloaf" so that's a good go to for me. Here are some of my favorite sites for healthy eating.

Cooking Light - these tend to be a little more involved, so I have to be really in the mood here.
Dashing Dish - super cute blog with simple healthy recipes and even desserts!
Michelle Myers online - not a cooking blog, but there are recipes and tips on staying healthy
PBS Parents Kitchen Explorers - I love everything about this website.

So, what am I cooking now?

Yesterday I made this mango chicken, but forgot the hummus. Oops! We poured it over quinoa, but I might have to do it over salad once Shawn starts working late!

Tomorrow I'm making these little meatloafs. Meatloaf is one of the few dinners everyone in my house agrees on!

As soon as I buy the ingredients, I'm DYING to try this. It seems so simple, which is right up my alley. And it looks delicious.

So, where do you go to find healthy foods?

image from here

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Getting started!!

After a physically disastrous 2011, I decided to turn the page and get things in gear. See, in 2010 I did amazing. I finally lost the last of my (twin) baby weight, and then some. At one point I was at my lowest weight that I can ever remember. {disclaimer: I'm not sure I ever weighed myself in college} I'm not a big fan of saying what I weigh, but hey we're going balls to the wall, right? If I'm doing this blog for full accountability, then I can't keep secrets. So here goes. My lowest weight was 135. Yes, I'm 5'2" so that's not skinny. But, it was acceptable. I was wearing a size 6 (I even had a size 4 jeans that fit me), and felt pretty confident. Then, it all fell apart. I have a million reasons {excuses} why I gained all that weight back AND MORE. I blame it initially on the fact that we opened a Baskin Robbins. Not that anyone forced the ice cream down my throat, but for the first month or so, the only way to see my husband was to go to the store. You try being there without at least tasting something! What I've learned (through many books and my own experiences) is that the more fat and sugar you eat, the more you want. So, as I was eating ice cream, my other meals were not going well either.

My other big excuse was stress. Let's just say that work was not going well. Anyway, blah blah blah, I gained a lot of weight. Like a lot. Add in there a pulled ab muscle (I'll save that story for later) and the holidays, and well, on New Year's Eve I weighed 150. {again, I'm 5'2" and gained 15 pounds in a year} Ouch. So, I set a goal. Yes, a cliche weight loss goal for 2012. I hate that. I don't want to be that girl. And honestly, I'm not THAT concerned about the number. It's more of a way to give myself a measurable goal. I'm an accountant. So, my goal is 130 by the end of the year, and 140 by April 12th, my birthday. Now, if I don't get to 130, but I'm back in shape, and in my size 6 clothes and feeling great, I'll be ecstatic. And yes, I want to reach half my goal in the next three months. Why? Because today I started a new workout program!! I'm doing a 90 day, P90X/Turbo Fire hybrid!

I've never done P90X, except for a few workouts, but I love Turbo Fire. I'm doing the official Beachbody hybrid rather than some of the ones I found on the Beachbody message boards. I did a ChaLean Extreme/Turbo Fire off the message boards and loved it, but for this one I'm going "official." Partially because they already have really cool worksheets I can download and print, and partially because the message board one I found said Yoga X or Stretch 40. I've done Yoga X and know that it's HARD. I don't want to give myself an out! So I'll see you Wednesday Yoga X!!!

Today was day 1 and I did P90X Chest & Back. Dear lord, my arms were still shaking when I made it to church 3 hours later! Tomorrow is Turbo Fire 45 EZ and I can't wait. I purposely haven't done many Turbo Fire workouts lately so that I wouldn't get burned out on them during the program. They are so much fun that I can't wait to get back to it!

Okay, I know this first post is wordy, but I promise it will get better, and so will this blog. It was a last minute decision to keep me accountable on this program so it may take me a few weeks to get this where I want it to be. Until then, stick with me! Going forward, look to hear about my workouts, how I improve my eating, and what I've learned. Warning: you may have to hear about my kids a little, but mostly how I'm trying to feed them healthy and instill good habits. And if anyone wants to help me with the design for this blog, I'm open to suggestions/tips/whatever!

I am also looking for a hard-core accountability buddy if anyone is interested. Seriously, like someone I can text pictures of everything I eat to. My eating has been atrocious this weekend!! You can send me your food if you want, but it's not required :)

image from here